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MedCerts Program Solutions

5 posts

Why Your Training Should Include Screen-Based Simulation Learning


It’s no secret that healthcare professionals work in some of the most challenging environments. The difficulties they encounter require…

Smart Learning: 3 Seriously Exciting Educational Innovations


The constant influx of innovative technologies and solutions has been promoting the transformation of the education sector. Smart learning…

Partnering to Address Dental Assistant Demand


Just what the doctor ordered: partnerships to fill the dental assistant gap If colleges, workforce agencies, or healthcare providers…

How to Help a New Generation of Talent Get Started as Surgical Techs


Developing a Best-in-Class Surgical Tech Program According to Colleen Leard, a healthcare subject matter expert for MedCerts, COVID lockdowns…

Pharmacy Tech Training Partnerships To Alleviate Pharmacy Labor Shortages


How Can MedCerts’ RX-3000 Pharmacy Tech Professional Program Help? Like all of MedCerts’ programs and certificates, the pharmacy tech…