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Collaborating With Schools as a Case Manager: 4 Tips

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Collaborating with schools can simplify your job as a case manager while helping your clients successfully complete their training programs and embark on rewarding careers. Educational organizations such as MedCerts Partner Solutions which are experienced in working with adult learners going back to school often have established processes that can make enrollment, progress tracking and job placement smoother for you and your clients.  Here are four tips for how to collaborate with schools as a case manager. 

1. Research School Offerings and Resources 

When you’re looking for good job training programs, consider the school’s course offerings and available resources. Your clients will have the most success if they train for in-demand careers in fields such as information technology and healthcare. 

Schools that provide career counseling and work with employers to provide opportunities for recent graduates will also be a good choice. Ultimately, the point of job training is for your clients to land a job and launch a long-term, rewarding career.  While a school may not be able to guarantee job placement, a robust career center can provide your clients with ways to sharpen their resumes and prepare for interviews.  

2. Establish Clear Communication Channels

Every client has unique needs. To serve them effectively, you’ll need to discuss their unique requirements with the schools you collaborate with. Schools with dedicated liaisons who can help you support your clients will provide a more successful experience. Building a strong relationship with key team members will make the process easier. MedCerts has on-staff Workforce Development Managers 

3. Look for Extensive Student Support Services

Adult learners often face more challenges than students who attend college immediately after high school. They may have family and work obligations that make attending classes harder, or they might have previous negative experiences that have chipped away at their confidence. Finding a job training program with comprehensive student services can provide the support they need to succeed. 

Your clients may need help developing good study habits, or they may need extra accountability. Ask schools what personalized student services they offer. You’ll want to match your clients with schools that are prepared to assist them at every stage of their learning journey. 

4. Ensure the School Accepts Federal Funding

You want your clients to get the most out of their job training program, so look for schools, such as MedCerts, that offer programs that lead to industry-recognized certifications. This will make it easier for your clients to find jobs after graduation. Formal certifications are often the simplest pathway to a rewarding career. 

Since many, if not all, of your clients will be using federal grants for job training, you’ll need to check to see if the school you’re considering accepts them. These schools bring education and opportunity within the reach of everyone. 

Work With a Partner to Drive Client Success

Partnering with schools committed to student success is critical to helping your clients launch their careers and improve their lives. Schools like MedCerts will work with you to meet the needs of your clients and help them develop valuable and marketable workforce skills. 

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