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Finding Good Employees: How the Train-and-Hire Model Works

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If you struggle with finding good employees, you’re not alone. In a recent LinkedIn survey, 76% of hiring managers said attracting the right candidates is their biggest challenge. Hiring managers struggle most with talent shortages.

To get people on board and keep them, you must ensure a good match. That’s where the train and hire model comes in.

What Is the Train and Hire Model?

The train and hire model flips traditional employee development on its head. Historically, companies have recruited and hired staff before placing them in training programs.

It often works, but there’s a risk. Many candidates seem like the perfect match, but there’s a gap in their education or a skill they don’t have. If you’ve signed a contract with them, you might learn that fact too late.

With train and hire, you use scalable educational technology to train candidates before bringing them on board. You get access to motivated people with the right background. They build job-specific skills before they commit.

How It Works

Train-then-hire saves time and money by ensuring you only hire great fits. Too often, companies hire someone who looks great on paper, only to discover that their skills or disposition aren’t right for the role.

With train-then-hire, you identify people with the background and capabilities you need. You decide what prequalifications are necessary and what training you want to provide.

Control over the training process is one of train-then-hire’s biggest benefits. No more worrying about whether a candidate learned a particular skill in their college program — you train the skill you need the way you need it.

For example, if you’re a healthcare employer looking for phlebotomy technicians, you can match candidates with a program you know is good. MedCerts’s program covers all required hard and soft skills, presented in an interactive way that lets students practice virtually before working with patients.

Students who complete the training program are then eligible for hire. You choose the completion requirements and contract terms. Your staffing choices remain entirely up to you.

Types of Train-then-Hire Programs

You can design the train-then-hire system that works for your company. MedCerts offers several partnership options, including an employer-sponsored talent pipeline:

  1. We recruit promising candidates

  2. You hire the people you want

  3. MedCerts trains each candidate for their position

Already have the talent, but need the skills? MedCerts’s upskilling program will let you keep your most promising people and train them on the skills that will expand their careers.

You also have the option to hire MedCerts graduates. You get skilled candidates from a program you trust without having to wait for them to finish a program.

How to Get Started

The best way to launch a train-and-hire program is to work with an experienced educational partner. MedCerts offers multiple partnership pathways for employers seeking qualified, job-ready staff.

MedCerts saves you money while giving you access to a broader candidate pool. We’ve invested in building the resources that attract interested healthcare and IT professionals.

Candidates learn with gold-standard interactive online learning techniques. We even help them earn their certifications. Start today and see how easy finding good employees can be.

Ready to Solve Your Organization’s Needs?

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Written by

Jennifer Kolb

National Director of Workforce Development

As MedCerts National Director of Workforce Development, Jennifer Kolb is responsible for overseeing strategy and business development efforts at MedCerts with an emphasis on the k-career pipeline.

Prior to MedCerts, Jennifer served in several leadership positions at Tallo and Hawkes Learning where she built and lead sales and marketing, new product launches, technology development updates and an entire product relaunch to be ADA compliant.

Jennifer has spent a decade within the workforce industry working with educators, state leaders, business and industry officials, post-secondary institutions and grant organizations from across the country, all with the mission of bettering people’s lives. Coming from a long line of educators and with a business-centered mindset, Jen is passionate about student success and cultivating creative strategies for ensuring all talent has access to educational and career-related opportunities.

Jennifer earned a Bachelor of Science Degree in Marketing and Psychology with a focus in business management from Clemson University.

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