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Hospital Staffing Shortages: How the Right Staffing Plan Can Help

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Hospital staffing shortages don’t happen in a day — and they can’t be fixed in a day.

That’s why forward-thinking human resources managers create a staffing plan for their facilities. MedCerts, an online learning facility for emerging and seasoned healthcare professionals, can assist in this crucial process.

A staff plan is a human resource document that serves as a strategy for maintaining an adequate number of employees in the different departments to keep the organization running smoothly. Effective plans start with a comprehensive analysis of the current staffing environment and anticipate future needs.

By planning ahead, it’s possible to avoid many crises that could arise from unforeseen staffing situations. If a crisis has already occurred, a strong plan can help you address the problem from an organizational perspective. You can create a process that makes it less likely to happen again.

Benefits of Creating a Hospital Staffing Plan

Many human resource professionals don’t implement a staffing plan simply because it requires time-consuming work — and few HR executives have extra time in the day. However, you’ll save time in the future by planning to avoid the big problems that can take up hours in a day. Plus, MedCerts experts can help you create this staffing plan.

The staffing plan’s importance is clear. Consider:

You’re able to create future goals

Your organization can’t strategize for the future if you haven’t spent time envisioning what is necessary to reach your goals. By analyzing the current state of your staffing situation, you can design the process in a streamlined and effective way. A partnership with MedCerts can make it easy to recruit in ways that help you meet these goals.

Plans identify potential bottlenecks

Imagine the ability to foresee problems before they arise. When you profoundly understand human resource needs throughout your organization, it’s possible to identify and resolve potential bottlenecks before they happen. MedCerts helps organizations build talent pipelines and recruit candidates before the vacancies become dire.

It’s easier to keep things organized

For companies with more than a few employees, standard operating procedures (SOPs) are necessary for any human resource team. These guidelines make finding and keeping talented employees simpler while helping managers complete performance reviews with a standardized system.

You’ll know talent when you see it

When you know where you need additional talent within your organization, it’s easier to filter out candidates. MedCerts will help you clearly advertise through partnerships and recruit or even promote from within. This way, you ensure the right candidate is hired for any opening.

How to Find Great Employees

To address hospital staffing shortages within your staff plan, include a section that works directly with training and educational institutions within the industry. MedCerts offers accredited and respected online academic programs for students who could become your future employee. A partnership with MedCerts can:

  • Help you build a talent pipeline

  • Upskill your current staff with training and certification opportunities

  • Allow you to implement a long-term recruitment strategy

  • Provide recruitment, marketing, and advertising resources to connect with your targeted talent

Start Planning Today

To create a staffing plan, start by scheduling a time to brainstorm. Research templates for the most effective staffing plans and discuss healthcare talent options with the MedCerts team. Then, you can meet with a committee from your human resources team and craft a plan that works for your company.

Ready to Solve Your Organization’s Needs?

Schedule a Meeting with MedCerts Partner Solutions

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Written by

Jennifer Kolb

National Director of Workforce Development

As MedCerts National Director of Workforce Development, Jennifer Kolb is responsible for overseeing strategy and business development efforts at MedCerts with an emphasis on the k-career pipeline.

Prior to MedCerts, Jennifer served in several leadership positions at Tallo and Hawkes Learning where she built and lead sales and marketing, new product launches, technology development updates and an entire product relaunch to be ADA compliant.

Jennifer has spent a decade within the workforce industry working with educators, state leaders, business and industry officials, post-secondary institutions and grant organizations from across the country, all with the mission of bettering people’s lives. Coming from a long line of educators and with a business-centered mindset, Jen is passionate about student success and cultivating creative strategies for ensuring all talent has access to educational and career-related opportunities.

Jennifer earned a Bachelor of Science Degree in Marketing and Psychology with a focus in business management from Clemson University.

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