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Keeping Clients Motivated: From Job Training To Career

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Motivation is one of the driving forces in achieving goals. It usually comes easily during the beginning stages of any project. But during the long slog in the middle, it can be hard for your clients to maintain the motivation to keep going.

Luckily, motivation is a skill you can develop. Working with your clients to help them develop motivation can make it easier for them to persevere through the difficult parts of their job training program.

How to Help Your Client Maintain Motivation

Starting a new job training program as an adult student is always difficult. While your clients probably begin with a lot of motivation, it can be hard to maintain as the reality of juggling classes and family responsibilities sets in. Here are some ways you can work on keeping clients motivated even during difficult times when they might otherwise struggle.

Focus on the “why”

Let’s face it: many assignments students have to do for a class aren’t very inspiring. Concentrating on a dull task doesn’t make it any more fun. When your clients get frustrated and feel stuck, encourage them to zoom out and think about their “why.” Focusing on their reasons for completing their job training program, such as making a better life for their family, earning more money, or getting started in a stable career, can help them stay motivated.

Work with others

Being a part of a group can provide accountability and motivation. Getting your clients involved in a job training program with a robust student support services component can help them find others with similar goals. MedCerts has a wide range of student services designed to support students on their journey from job training to a successful career.

Set goals and track progress

Work with your clients to set small, measurable goals. It can be discouraging to start with goals that are too big. Although the ultimate goal may be graduating from a training program, setting a goal of completing all of their assignments in the first week is a smaller, more achievable goal. Achieving a goal releases dopamine and can help sustain motivation over the long run.

Create a mantra

A verbal mantra is a statement that helps reinforce a positive mindset. Creating a verbal mantra will help your clients reframe challenges and stay the course. It should be something that resonates with your client and is easy to remember. It can be something as simple as “I can handle anything by sticking to my plan,” or it can be more creative.

Whatever their mantra is, have your clients write it down and put it on their primary home mirror, where they will see it daily. The more they repeat their mantra, the more they’ll believe it.

Taking the Next Steps

Completing a job training program can help your clients create a better life for themselves, but they’ll have to stick it out to see the benefits. By encouraging your clients to learn coping mechanisms to maintain their motivation, you can help them achieve their goals. Working with a supportive, hands-on training program like MedCerts can make putting your clients on the road to success even easier.

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Written by

Jennifer Kolb

National Director of Workforce Development

As MedCerts National Director of Workforce Development, Jennifer Kolb is responsible for overseeing strategy and business development efforts at MedCerts with an emphasis on the k-career pipeline.

Prior to MedCerts, Jennifer served in several leadership positions at Tallo and Hawkes Learning where she built and lead sales and marketing, new product launches, technology development updates and an entire product relaunch to be ADA compliant.

Jennifer has spent a decade within the workforce industry working with educators, state leaders, business and industry officials, post-secondary institutions and grant organizations from across the country, all with the mission of bettering people’s lives. Coming from a long line of educators and with a business-centered mindset, Jen is passionate about student success and cultivating creative strategies for ensuring all talent has access to educational and career-related opportunities.

Jennifer earned a Bachelor of Science Degree in Marketing and Psychology with a focus in business management from Clemson University.

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